
Bülk: The Velomobile that can change your life

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How to order your Bülk Velomobile

➡️ Order Option WITH Dealers

📌 European Union


This order option is available in the countries where WE HAVE DEALERS (check the list here). First you go to Bülk product page (click Start Now below), then use the configurator to choose the desired features and extra options for your velomobile, then request the quotation (this is not the actual order).  The next step is to get you in touch with your local dealer. You can send an email to your local dealer with the quotation or you can print it and he can help you from this point. After establishing all the details, we will start building your velomobile according to your requirements. After you place your order you will keep in touch with your local dealer, he will inform you about the arriving date of your velomobile, when you can pick it up and other details.

➡️ Order Option WITHOUT Dealers

📌 USA, Canada, UK & Worldwide


If you live in USA or Canada (in these two countries we will launch first this Option, together with a new Orders platform) and also in UK, please create an account, so you can order your velomobile. After you create your account on our website, you can access the Configurator to choose the desired characteristics and extra options for your velomobile. In your Velomobile World “Account” you will see also the final price, the building progress / order status, info about delivery and other details, if you follow the instructions on this new platform. When your special vehicle is completed and ready to leave our factory, we will begin to prepare it for delivery. You will meet your velomobile in the shortest time possible, depending on your location and the delivery method.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: How to ORDER in the USA and CANADA until the new platform is ready*


First go to Bülk product page (click “Start Now Here” button below), then use the Configurator to choose the desired features and extra options for your velomobile, then request the quotation (this is not the actual order). You will receive an automatic email from us, that contains a PDF with your configuration and the price. You will ignore this price because this is the price for Europe. You will receive another email from us with the right price for USA/Canada (without taxes). If this quotation is ok for you, let us know (send us a Reply) and we will send you the next steps to be taken to proceed with your order. Thank you!


Welcome to this place dedicated to Bülk Velomobile!


We are pleased that you are interested in our products. This applies to insiders as well as to newcomers to this subject area.


The Bülk MK1 velomobile is a muscle-powered vehicle for sports, leisure and mobility in general. Although it is technically a bicycle, it can do much more: it offers excellent weather protection, high riding comfort, high safety and requires considerably less power than a racing bike for the same speed.

We invite you to get an idea of ​​the many facets and history of this vehicle!


Many people have never seen a velomobile. It’s usually gone just as quickly as it appears: Oops, what was that? An electric car? Was that solar? Does this have a motor or why is it so fast?


If you have landed on this page anyway, we can tell you exactly what it is about.


The Bülk MK1 is a velomobile. Velomobiles have been around for more than 100 years. Originally, they were primarily intended as a means of transportation as very few people could afford a car. However, with the mass production of automobiles, velomobiles disappeared from the scene again.


A velomobile is a human-powered vehicle with an aerodynamic body. The driver drives in a comfortable lying position and is protected from the weather.


Modern velomobiles have evolved a lot. They have become lighter, safer and faster.

Today, climate change and the energy crisis have placed the velomobile in a new context and this is leading to a sharp increase in interest in these products.

Velomobile World is the world’s largest manufacturer of velomobiles. Our portfolio includes the world’s leading velomobiles such as Quest, Quatrevelo, Snoek, DF, Alpha 7 and 9, Milan and Bülk.


The Bülk MK1 is a new development from 2021, is based on the Milan velomobile and is to be described in more detail on this homepage.

Why a Bülk velomobile can change your life

Should a product change my life? A daring thesis!


Give us some space here to justify this thesis.


In our experience, why did people buy the Bülk MK1?


As a rule, these are people who are in the “productive phase” of their lives. That means they are between 40 and 60 years old, work a lot, don’t have enough time for sports, think about spending their holidays in a sporty and active way instead of flying to distant countries and feel uneasy about driving a car.


People who are considering cycling to work instead of driving. But they can only imagine that when the weather is good. And therefore partially discard the idea.


People who want to replace car kilometers with bicycle kilometers. And people who want to get fit and vital again.


Some of this also applies to you?

People who have dared to take this step and become customers tell us again and again how their lives have changed.


They report how unbelievably fast they can drive under their own power and how much fun it is for them.


They report how comfortably and weather-protected they can now commute completely independently of the weather and how they look forward to the commute to work.


And how their fitness and health benefit from it, because you can now do sports all year round without a break from training.


Many take their velomobile directly on vacation trips and are amazed at how many people you get to know with such a vehicle.


All of these experiences create a life-affirming momentum that brings about change. In this way, this vehicle can become the focus of a new way of life in which awareness, health, joy and sustainability can be lived.

What to learn more about the Bülk models? Contact us

    The history of the Bülk Development

    The aerodynamic design of the Bülk MK1 is based on the work of the brilliant aerodynamicist Eggert Bülk.


    The aerodynamic design of the velomobile is decisive for efficiency, driving stability and behavior at high speeds.

    Eggert Bülk has made history in the racing and record-breaking velomobile scene with his developments over decades.


    That’s why we want to pay tribute to him here with a biography. Enjoy the story of a pioneer who, with passion and obsession, pushed the boundaries of human-powered locomotion.

    The Philosophy of Bülk MK1

    What was the aim of this development?


    The aim was to build a velomobile that made as few compromises as possible in terms of aerodynamic efficiency, driving pleasure and suitability for everyday use. At the same time, it should be extremely compact (length: 257 cm, height: 84 cm and width: 70 cm), but also allow shoulder widths of 60 cm and heights of up to 200 cm. With a 28 inch (622) rear wheel.


    To reconcile these objectives, numerous competing objective functions had to be weighted and reconciled.


    A coherent overall composition was created for this, which optimally implements all the essential requirements of a modern velomobile.


    Tasks in the area of ​​the increasingly urgent mobility turnaround play a role, as do suitability for everyday use, driving pleasure, dynamic and aerodynamic efficiency, safety and sustainability.

    What is meant by competing objective functions?


    What is meant here are those properties of a velomobile that are expected by customers today, but which lead to collisions and contradictions when implemented in a vehicle concept:


    For example, the demand for a lot of storage space collides with aerodynamic efficiency; as well as the space requirements of large and heavy drivers

    Powerful thighs need space in the front wheel house; this in turn limits the steering angle

    Demands for compactness of the vehicle contradict the desire to be able to accommodate the largest possible driver in the vehicle

    In order to achieve aerodynamic efficiency, the vehicle’s air friction surface must be as small as possible. At the same time, the vehicle must not converge too bluntly at the rear in order to avoid wake turbulence

    Low weight competes with demands for high stability and security

    Velomobile riders want very good weather protection, but at the same time want to have as much contact with the environment as possible; experience the environment with the senses

    Stability in crosswinds must not be at the expense of aerodynamic efficiency

    There is a whole range of other antagonisms that need to be brought together in an overall composition when constructing a forward-looking velomobile. That’s why we saw it as a challenge to make the unproductive dead spaces between these antagonists usable or to productively overcome them, or to resolve the contradictions themselves in the process.


    That is the philosophy of the Bülk MK1.


    It is of course clear that there are no objective criteria for the respective weighting of claims and each consumer has their own individual preferences. Nevertheless, there are large intersections.


    You can say that the Bülk is a velomobile that takes these intersections into account in a good way and thus concentrates on what really counts.

    ⬇️ Here are the main points of the philosophy in detail 

     The vehicle design is optimally tailored to the space requirements of the pedaling driver. A mix of teardrop and laminar design has proven to be suitable to accommodate the driver’s space requirements at shoulder and arm height. As a result, the vehicle can be very short.


     A very low head rest area, pulled up to the rear wheel arch, allows even very tall drivers a good view and sufficient space under the hood. This opens up a very wide adjustment range for small to large drivers … ⬇️

    The Bülk MK1 can be adjusted to different driver sizes between 150-200 cm in just a few minutes:


    With the adapter module for the head rest area, it can be easily adjusted to the driver using Velcro.


    *Click on the image to enlarge/zoom

    The leg length can be adjusted without tools using the seat-rest rail with 6 positions or, in extreme cases, by shifting the bottom bracket slide.


    The space required for the knees and the head is determined by selecting the appropriate hood (3 sizes: flat, medium and high protuberances for the knees) and an optional module for the heel protuberances. Even the cross-sectional area of ​​the vehicle can easily be adapted to the driver.


    With this modularity, an exact adjustment to very different driver sizes, leg or seat giants can be made within a very short time.


    *Click on the image to enlarge/zoom

    The different hoods also make it possible to drive with your head outside or to take the hood with you in the vehicle.


    This means extreme flexibility in terms of usability in families, partnerships or communities.


    In addition, this also increases the resale value, since the potential customer group is very large. Dealers have the advantage that they only need one demonstration vehicle.


    *Click on the images to enlarge/zoom

    The new and compact design of the Bülk MK1 is based on our many years of experience in velomobile construction and measurements in the wind tunnel. A semi-laminar design with a strongly flattened and short bow and overall great compactness has proven to be optimal. In this way, the Bülk MK1 redefines the optimal interaction of cross-sectional area, air friction surface and space requirement of the driver. This compactness also enables a new weight-stiffness ratio.


    The space lines for heel and foot tips are adapted to a narrow bottom bracket size. This achieves a very efficient power transmission to the pedals with a small cross-sectional area at the same time.


    With the new design, outstanding overall efficiency is possible.

    ⬆️ CAD analysis of Bülk MK1 in the digital wind tunnel (Prof. Eric Helter)

    ⬆️ CAD analysis of Bülk MK1 in the digital wind tunnel (Prof. Eric Helter)

    Here is an example of driving efficiency in public road traffic with traffic lights, altitude difference, through-roads and the proportion of city traffic in Berlin: see the image on the right / next (on mobile)



    The drive of the Bülk is extremely stiff. The bearing points of the carbon mono swing arm are stable due to the overall construction. The rear wheel house is connected to the head rest area of ​​the body and thus prevents movement of the swingarm bearing.


    The front mast has a cross-section of 50 x 50 mm² and is arranged in a Y-design: it gets its rigidity from a vertical support between the transverse tunnel of the wheel house and the top of the body. This also prevents vertical movements of the deflection roller.


    The rear idler is also anchored extremely stably and withstands the toughest sprint attacks without flexing.

    The floor pan between the front and rear axles has been optimized for the driver’s center of gravity to be as low as possible. This is where space is usually wasted with velomobiles. The Bülk MK1 also pushes the limit in this respect. This increases driving stability and at the same time creates a higher interior and space for taller drivers.


    The overall aerodynamic design is designed for high stability in cross winds. Due to the strongly rounded and flattened bow, the pressure point and center of gravity of the vehicle are so close together that the vehicle automatically stabilizes in cross winds. The buoyancy in cross winds is specifically prevented by the shape, and the floor pan causes suction towards the ground in cross winds. This defuses dangerous situations in strong winds and gusts.

    So it can be said that the overall efficiency of the Bülk MK1 is outstanding. Also with regard to the fact that even tall drivers (with correspondingly more power) have space in this compact vehicle and can develop their power.

    Suitability for everyday use is a decisive factor when assessing a velomobile. The personal weighting of everyday characteristics is individual for each user, but based on our decades of experience with velomobile customers, we can judge very well which are the decisive characteristics in everyday life.


    Of course, this includes the overall efficiency (aerodynamics and drive rigidity as already described in the last chapter), because it determines the radius of action, the average speed and the driving pleasure.


    The everyday characteristics also include the following characteristics:


    Driving stability at high speeds, storms and cross-winds


    Full suspension as standard

    Convenient entry and exit

    Comfortable seating position even on long journeys

    Weather protection and ventilation

    Luggage transport and shopping

    Convertible mode with good contact with the environment and nature

    Good visibility also in front of the vehicle to be able to read the road

    Low maintenance and reliability of the entire technology

     Compactness of the vehicle

    Flexible and tool-free adjustment to different rider sizes

    And, existentially, of course, security, too, although we dedicate an extra chapter to this property.

    ✅ Driving stability at high speeds, storms and cross-winds

    ⬆️ Design optimized for driving stability

    We have already discussed this point under the heading “Driving stability and driving dynamics”, but since it is of great importance, here is a brief repetition:


    The floor pan between the front and rear axles has been optimized for the driver’s center of gravity to be as low as possible. This is where space is usually wasted with velomobiles. The Bülk MK1 also pushes the limit in this respect. This increases driving stability and at the same time creates a higher interior and space for taller drivers.


    The overall aerodynamic design is designed for high stability in cross winds. Due to the strongly rounded and flattened bow, the pressure point and center of gravity of the vehicle are so close together that the vehicle automatically stabilizes in cross winds. The buoyancy in cross winds is specifically prevented by the shape, and the floor pan causes suction towards the ground in cross winds. This defuses dangerous situations in strong winds and gusts.

    ✅ Weight


    With a weight of 24 kg, the Bülk MK1 is one of the absolute lightweight velomobiles. The body and all built-in parts including the mono swing arm are made of carbon (CFRP). The struts and shape create an extremely stiff but light chassis, high-quality drive components complement the lightweight construction.


    This makes handling and driving on the mountain a pleasure.

    ⬆️ The complete vehicle in CFRP

    ✅ Full suspension as standard


    The two front wheels are sprung via MacPherson struts and the rear wheel via an extremely stiff mono swing arm suspended on one side. You can choose between a soft and a hard sports suspension ex works.

    This makes traveling a pleasure even on bad roads. Air suspension can be ordered as an option for the rear wheel.

    All 3 wheels are hung on one side, which means that you can easily and quickly swap the tires without having to remove the wheels in case of a flat tire. 

    This is a huge advantage over normal bicycles.

    ⬆️ Full suspension with wheels suspended on one side

    ✅ Convenient entry and exit


    In everyday use of a velomobile, you want to be able to get in and out of the vehicle easily and quickly. This is also important as we get older, because it can decide how old we want to be to ride a velomobile.


    That’s why the Bülk has a huge entry opening with a very low “loading sill”.


    The low loading sill also allows you to maneuver backwards with your hands. This gives the Bülk an important unique selling point.

    ⬆️ Huge entry opening and low loading sill

    ✅ Comfortable seating position even on long journeys


    The flat seating position and the wide, spacious seat allow for long and relaxed rides because the driver’s weight is distributed over a large area. The butt muscles are relieved and the head can rest on the softly padded headrest. This is how traveling is fun. The seat can be removed with a flick of the wrist and used to transport luggage into the house or to the workplace.

    ⬆️ Flat and comfortable seating position

    ✅ Weather protection & ventilation


    Weather protection decides whether the vehicle can be used all year round.


    All optional hoods of the Bülk MK1 have a circumferential overlapping water edge and effective water drainage in the hinge area. Rain, even downpours, are no longer a threat and make the vehicle a comfortable retreat from the cold and wet. This means that this velomobile can fully demonstrate its year-round suitability.


    The highly effective ventilation over the front frame and the Naca air intake ensure sufficient air in the interior; both air inlets have an automatic water drain to the outside, which separates the incoming air from the rain.

    In the hinge area of ​​the hood, a water tank catches the rain and directs it to the outside through the front mast.

    ⬆️ Race hood with overlapping rain edge and adjustable Naca air inlet

    ⬆️ Water tank with drain through the front mast

    ⬆️ Air-intake over the front boom

    If you want, you can also choose an everyday hood with a scratch-resistant motorcycle visor, Pinlock technology and windscreen wipers.

    ⬆️ Everyday hood with Pinlock motorcycle visor and wipers

    All of these features are the result of many years of experience with velomobiles in everyday life and enable mobility in the Bülk even in extreme weather events.

    ⬆️ There is no bad weather

    ✅ Luggage transport and shopping


    The Bülk MK1 offers an enormous amount of storage space for luggage and shopping, a fundamental quality in terms of suitability for everyday use.

    The interior has various luggage departments and compartments in which you can optimally organize your luggage.

    Whether you are shopping for the week or on a camping holiday: the vehicle offers enough space and does not become unstable even when fully loaded.


    There are luggage compartments on the left and right in the front, which, thanks to the huge entry opening, can be accessed without having to open the service flap at the front.

    Most luggage fits in the back, next to and behind the seat.

    ⬆️ Camping holidays are no problem

    ⬆️ Luggage compartments also in the front of the vehicle

    ⬆️ Luggage compartment above the mono swing arm

    ✅ Convertible mode with good contact with the environment and nature


    The hood can be dismantled in two easy steps. Then the driving pleasure in convertible mode beckons: this can only be experienced in this way in the Bülk MK1. Whether alone or in a group: in this mode, the Bülk MK1 enables an incredibly sensual and intoxicating perception of the environment while still retaining its high-speed properties. A challenge to all undisguised but slow tricycles!

    In convertible mode you can experience the environment together with your companion and exchange ideas. The huge exit opening largely eliminates the separation from the environment without losing the security and protection of the velomobile body. Interesting encounters with people are pre-programmed in this mode…

    The entry opening, which is pulled far forward, also allows access to the luggage compartments that are optionally mounted in the front. This is another unique selling point.

    Due to the low-lying coaming, you can also drive in the so-called double manta position; sometimes a welcome change.

    ⬆️ Convertible mode: contact with the outside world

    ✅ Good view also in front of the vehicle to be able to read the road


    The bow of the Bülk MK1 is kept as flat as possible. The protuberance lines for toes and knees create a central viewing channel, which enables a very good view of the road from the vehicle.

    ⬆️ Good visibility thanks to the flat bow

    The hinged hoods allow you to raise the hood on steep climbs and still have a view to the front. This is made possible by the crescent-shaped hinge area. This way you can ventilate very flexibly and you can be seen better from behind.

    ⬆️ Even with the hood raised, you can still see ahead

    ✅ Low maintenance and reliability of the entire technology


    When it comes to low maintenance and reliability, we can draw on more than 15 years of experience in velomobile construction. The entire drive train of the vehicle is encapsulated, saving not only maintenance but also wear. The drivetrain components last 5-10x as long as a regular bike.


    Mud, snow, rain: the interior with the drive and components stays clean and dry.


    Only components that have proven themselves over many years and have a long service life are installed in the Bülk.


    For maintenance work, there are service flaps through which you can access the technology. With the Bülk, however, you can get very close to many areas of technology via the oversized entry opening. For example, you can adjust the bottom bracket and the gears at the front while you are sitting in the vehicle.

    ⬆️ Rear service opening open

    ⬆️ Front service opening open

    ✅ Compactness of the vehicle


    With a length of only 257 cm, a height of 84 cm and a width of 70 cm, the vehicle is one of the most compact velomobiles. This makes it easier to transport by car or train and to park in general. The small width enables a high level of flexibility in narrow passages (e.g. doors, traffic gaps, barriers). Due to the compactness, the vehicle can be built light and very stiff.

    ✅ Flexible and tool-free adjustment to different driver sizes


    Another important unique selling point of the Bülk MK1 is its modular concept.


    This not only includes various optional features for everyday use, but essentially means the simple and tool-free adjustment to different rider sizes.


    The advantage of a quick adjustment to extremely different rider sizes is obvious:

     You can use the vehicle in the family, partnership or in a club reciprocally

     In principle, there is the possibility of bike sharing or rental and rental projects

     The value of the vehicle is increased by these options

     Dealers only need one demonstration vehicle


    ⬇️ How to customize

    ⬆️ Stepless shiftability of the bottom bracket slide over a large area

    ⬆️ Seat adjustment via locking rail

    ⬆️ Seat backrest adjustment using hard foam spacers

    These hard foam spacers can be stacked with Velcro and thus enable a very simple and tool-free adjustment of the seat back angle. For very big jumps there are 2 carbon adapters that are attached to the seat or the vehicle. The hard foam spacers are then only intended for fine adjustment.

    ⬇️ Adjusting the head storage area

    The headrest surface can be adjusted so that small as well as very large people can sit optimally. For this purpose, various so-called carbon adapters are attached to the hood with Velcro so that the driver’s head can always rest comfortably on the padding. However, these adjustment steps are only necessary if there are large driver differences:

    Persons from 145-165 cm choose the adapter small

    Persons from 165-180 cm choose the adapter medium

    People over 180 cm usually do not need an adapter at all.

    ⬆️ Very tall drivers do not need a headrest adapter

    ⬆️ Adjustment with headrest module for small drivers

    ⬆️ Different adapters

    Finally, a modular adjustment to different driver sizes can be made using different hoods, each with different height protuberances for the knees.

    ⬆️ Here the combination foam lid with high knee protuberances

    ⬆️ Or flat knee protuberances, here with the race hood

    Bülk MK 1 is a bike that offers safety


    In principle, velomobiles offer a much higher strategic protection for the driver compared to conventional bicycles.

    The Bülk MK1 attempts to technically exploit these strategic advantages in detail and adds further security features.

    The entire design of the Bülk MK1 took place under the primacy of the greatest possible safety for the driver. 16 years of experience in velomobile construction and the systematic evaluation of accidents flowed into the design.

    ✅ See and be seen well: a standard high-performance lighting system with daytime running lights ensures good visibility. A so-called hotspot module can be ordered as an option, which ensures even better visibility and illumination of the road at the highest point of the vehicle. This module can accommodate a reversing camera and provides increased rollover protection.

    ⬆️ Hotspot-Safety Module

    ✅ The carbon body is secured with safety fabric between the carbon layers to prevent splitting and tearing in the event of a crash. This turns the passenger cell into a safety cabin that can absorb large amounts of energy without splintering or tearing open with sharp edges.

    ✅ Safety in the event of a frontal crash: the Y-design of the front frame means that it cannot shift towards the driver. This not only protects the rider, but dissipates a lot of energy by allowing the front part of the frame to be compressed without being pushed backwards. The flat seating position and the coaming with its hold-down devices effectively prevent the driver from sitting up and the upper body from accelerating forward. Compared to velomobiles with a steep seating position, the upper body is also prevented from being accelerated with its face onto a coaming in front of it. At the same time, due to the flat body angle, a large part of the energy can be absorbed by the legs.

    ⬆️ Y-design of the front-boom with up and down bracing

    ⬆️ Hold-down device adjustable to driver’s shoulder height

    ✅ Safety in the event of a rear impact

    In the event of a rear-end collision, the driver’s head is effectively protected by the shape of the headrest surface and its foam padding. When using the head adapters, there is an additional buffer as the adapters contain foam blocks.

    In the Bülk, the seat is not suspended at the top end, but is stored in the middle of a hard foam block. This prevents the thrust of a rear-end collision from going towards the driver’s neck.

    In the back area, the stable seat with bars protects the driver’s spine. The shearing forces of a rear-end collision are distributed over the entire seat and passed on to the driver. The central seat support with hard foam panels forms another buffer in which energy is dissipated.

    ⬆️ Buffering in the seat support

    ✅ Lateral rollover

    Thanks to the flat seating position and the hold-down devices integrated in the coaming, the driver remains safely in the vehicle if it rolls sideways. The high overhang of the hood effectively protects the driver’s head. The hold-down devices can be adjusted exactly to the driver’s shoulder height using Velcro and act as a very effective restraint system.

    ⬆️ Very good rollover protection thanks to the high hood

    ✅ Insensitivity to side winds

    Every detail of the aerodynamic design is designed for maximum driving stability in cross winds. This is an essential safety feature, as the vehicle must be stable and controllable even in strong winds and turbulence.


    ✅ Safety-related components

    With the safety-related components, lightweight construction aspects are subordinate in the Bülk MK1 in favor of high stability, long service life and tried-and-tested technology.


    With all these features, the Bülk MK1 gets a top position in terms of safety.

    For a better carbon footprint

    For more and more people, it is becoming increasingly important in their overall ethical balance how much CO2 they emit and to what extent they can contribute to slowing down global warming.


    Thanks to their high energy efficiency and weather protection, velomobiles can close the gap between bicycles and cars and could thus play an important role in the mobility revolution.


    The velomobile could play an important role in the mobility transition and the CO2 savings with it is actually a lot of fun!


    The Bülk weighs about 24 kg and it is therefore clear how low the material initial investment and also the primary energy requirement of this vehicle is.


    *Written by Jens Buckbesch

    ⬆️ Mobility rethought


    In 27-28 August 2022, Holger Seidel crossed Germany from South to North, with his Bülk Mk 1. He managed to break the World Record and improved it by more than 3 hours (1094 km in 29h:57min).

    Official confirmation by World UltraCycling Association (see here)

    More details about 2022 Velomobile Record Ride (see here)

    30 hours and a little wiser | By Holger Seidel (see here)


    Do you need technical support to better understand how your velomobile works, to do the maintenance or to solve a problem? We made a page for Bülk where you can find technical support information for various parts/zones. Choose the one that interests you, then explore the info. For every part/zone there are descriptions, exploded views, maintenance videos & more.

    I want to be an Ambassador

    Do you want to become an ambassador for Bülk and for velomobiles in general? You have some advantages if you are making this step, but the most important thing is that you have the power to change lives because you help people to discover a fantastic alternative to a car, you can help people to become more independent, to gradually give up fossil fuels and more.

    Planned developments

    Here you will find the topics we are currently working on and which will be available soon.


    1. Race setup with aero kit

    Further world record attempts are planned and we are working on an optimal setup for them. This includes not only investigations into the aero balance, rake and ground clearance of the vehicle, but also the development of aero aids on the underbody and the wheel arches.


    2. Front frame especially for electric drives with offset

    In order to facilitate the motorization of the Bülk velomobile, there will be a front frame specially optimized for the Bafang drive with the necessary offset to the left, so that the motor can also run with 2 switchable chainrings at the front.


    3. Ultra-light struts with elastomer springs

    For fans of lightweight construction, there will soon be optional front struts with elastomer suspension, which will save a significant amount of weight. The development work is ongoing and will be carried out by a Swiss engineer.


    4. SaS (Save and Service)

    The Bülk-inherent principle SaS (Save and Service) is continued on an ongoing basis. The aim is to maximize safety, reliability and ease of service.


    5. Explainer videos for service, maintenance and repair

    Velomobile World produces a series of explanatory videos that enable Bülk customers to carry out all important repairs and maintenance on their vehicle themselves.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    You can clearly answer this question with yes! Overall, there is a very large amount of storage space, but the difference to a normal bicycle with pannier bags is that you have to divide the luggages into smaller pieces of luggage. The rear is suitable for larger parts such as shopping bags, laptop or other parts fit in here (e.g. a complete golf club set fits into the Milan velomobile because it has a relatively long rear). Medium-sized bags fit on the side of the driver and under or behind the seat. At the front in the bow, i.e. in front of the front wheel arches, there is an optional luggage compartment on the left and right with a volume of around 8 litres each. You can easily reach these overhead lockers through the oversized access hatch of the Milan for example.


    Weekly shopping, daily luggage or complete camping equipment? Many Milan drivers appreciate vacation tours where you can have everything with you: tent, sleeping mat, micro cooker, sleeping bag, tools and spare parts, laundry, solar station and food for several days.


    It has proven to be useful to use lightweight compression bags that you can pack according to the topic and use different colors to find everything quickly. These bags can be adjusted very well, weigh very little and you can grab them very easily by their handle.


    By packing heavy items of luggage deeper and as far forward as possible (optional luggage compartments in the bow), you can even increase driving stability and the aerodynamics won’t suffer either, which is a major advantage over conventional touring bikes with luggage bags.


    In most cases, it’s possible to drive a velomobile at night, just as you would with any other bicycle or vehicle. However, it’s important to make sure that your velomobile is equipped with proper lighting and reflectors to ensure your safety and visibility on the road. Luckily the velomobiles built at have built-in lighting systems that include headlights, taillights, brake lights and turn signals.


    Additionally, you should always follow the rules of the road and be extra cautious when riding at night, because visibility is reduced and it may be more difficult to see potential hazards on the road.


    If you plan to ride your velomobile at night, make sure that your battery is sufficiently charged for the trip you plan to make. If the trip is longer compared to the battery capacity, make sure you have a spare battery and as last tip, if you live in colder climates be aware that your battery has a lower capacity than is written on the battery.

    If you want to know more about the built in Electra system go HERE

    Velomobiles built by Velomobile World are made from high-end materials such as carbon fibre and aluminium. The carbon fibre parts do not wear out and if they break they can be fixed relatively easily, so that the lifespan can be significantly increased. In general, a well-maintained velomobile can last for many years, possibly even several decades. However, components such as tires, brakes and drivetrain parts will probably need to be replaced periodically, which can extend the life of the velomobile. Ultimately, the lifespan of a velomobile can vary a lot depending on several factors, but with proper maintenance and care, it should last for many years of use.


    There are multiple examples of velomobiles who passed the 200.000 km driven in a velomobile. 


    *Soon we will add an article/video from someone has driven a lot of kilometers on his velomobile

    Just like any vehicle, velomobiles can experience mechanical issues or breakdowns. Some common problems with velomobiles include flat tires, broken chains, damaged wheels and malfunctioning brakes.


    If you experience a breakdown while riding a velomobile, there are a few steps you can take:


    1) Stay calm: It’s important to remain calm and focused, as this can help you assess the situation and take appropriate action.

    2) Move to a safe location: If possible, move your velomobile to a safe location off the road, such as a sidewalk or parking lot.

    3) Assess the problem: Try to identify the cause of the problem, such as a flat tire or broken chain.

    4) Call for help: If you’re unable to fix the problem yourself, you may need to call for help. This could involve contacting a friend or family member, a bike shop or a roadside assistance service.

    5) Stay visible: If you’re waiting for help to arrive, make sure you’re visible to other drivers by turning on your velomobile’s lights and wearing bright or reflective clothing.

    6) Be prepared: To avoid breakdowns, it’s important to keep your velomobile well-maintained and to carry a basic toolkit and spare parts, such as an extra inner tube or chain links, with you when you ride.

    If you have a basic understanding of bike maintenance and repair, you may be able to fix most of the issues on your velomobile yourself. Common repairs include fixing flat tires, adjusting brakes and derailleurs and replacing worn-out parts such as chains and brake pads.


    To get started, you will need a basic set of tools, including wrenches, screwdrivers and tire levers. You may also need specific tools for working on velomobiles, such as a chain tool and bottom bracket wrench.


    It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommended maintenance schedule for your specific model of velomobile. If you’re unsure about how to perform a certain repair/fix, it’s always best to consult a professional mechanic or the manufacturer.


    We have a special page dedicated to support you in doing maintenance on your velomobile have a look by clicking HERE

    A velomobile is not typically considered a car.


    A velomobile is a human-powered vehicle that is enclosed and designed to reduce air resistance and increase speed. It typically has three or four wheels, a fully or partially enclosed cabin, and is powered by the rider’s pedalling.


    In contrast, a car is a motorized vehicle designed for transportation on roads, typically with four wheels and an engine powered by gasoline, diesel, or electricity.


    While both velomobiles and cars can be used for transportation, they are fundamentally different in their design and propulsion.

    The speed of a velomobile can vary depending on a variety of factors such as the design of the velomobile, the strength and fitness of the rider, and the terrain on which it is being ridden. However, in general, velomobiles are capable of achieving relatively high speeds compared to traditional bicycles.


    On flat terrain and with an experienced rider, a velomobile can typically travel at speeds of 25-30 mph (40-48 km/h) or even higher. Some velomobiles are designed specifically for high-speed racing and can reach speeds in excess of 60 mph (96 km/h).


    *Soon we will add an article about Battle Mountain speed track

    The cost of a velomobile can vary depending on a number of factors such as the type of velomobile, its features, the materials used, and the manufacturer. In general, velomobiles can be more expensive than a traditional bicycle but less expensive than a car. If you want to know more, have a look on our website HERE


    It’s important to note that the cost of a velomobile can also vary depending on where you live, as some models may not be readily available in all areas and may require additional shipping and handling costs.

    Yes, people do build velomobiles themselves. Velomobiles are human-powered vehicles that are similar to bicycles, but are enclosed in a streamlined, aerodynamic shell. They are designed for efficient, comfortable, and low-impact transportation.


    Building a velomobile requires advanced skills in fabrication/manufacturing, mechanics and design, and may involve the use of specialized tools and materials. Many people who build velomobiles do it as a hobby, as a way to customise their transportation experience, or to experiment with new designs and technologies.

    In general, building a velomobile yourself can be a cost-effective option, if you have the necessary skills and resources. By sourcing your own materials and doing the labour yourself, you can save money on the cost of purchasing a pre-made velomobile. However, if you don’t have the necessary tools or expertise, the cost of purchasing them could offset any savings.


    On the other hand, buying a pre-made velomobile can offer some benefits such as a guaranteed quality and professional design, access to technical support, and potentially faster delivery time than building one yourself. 


    Ultimately, the cost of buying versus building a velomobile will depend on your individual circumstances and preferences.  


    Check out HERE some professionally made models by

    Directly from the manufacturer. Some velomobile manufacturers, such as Velomobile World, and Intercitybike, sell their velomobiles directly to customers through their websites. You can usually order and configure your velomobile online and it will be shipped to you when it is ready. Have a look at

    The legality of driving a velomobile on the streets can vary depending on the country and local laws. In general, a velomobile is considered a type of bicycle or human-powered vehicle, and as such, it may be subject to the same laws and regulations as bicycles.

    A velomobile is a type of human-powered vehicle that typically has a streamlined, enclosed body, three or four wheels, and a pedal-driven drivetrain and is powered by the rider pedalling with their feet, it’s similar to a bicycle. While velomobiles can resemble boats in shape, they are not designed to float on water.


    Velomobiles are intended to be used on roads and other surfaces, and are generally designed to be as lightweight and efficient as possible, while providing weather protection and enhancing the aerodynamic efficiency of the vehicle. They are not designed to be buoyant or to float on water like a boat. So, a velomobile is not a boat.

    Maintenance of a Bülk velomobile requires regular inspections to ensure that it remains in good condition and runs smoothly. Here are some steps you can take to maintain your Bülk velomobile:


    1) Clean your velomobile regularly: A clean velomobile not only looks good, but it also prevents rust, dirt and debris from accumulating and causing damage to your vehicle. Use a soft cloth or sponge to clean the exterior of your velomobile and avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the paint and finish.

    2) Check the tires: Check the tire pressure regularly and inflate them to the recommended pressure. Inspect the tires for any signs of wear, damage or punctures and replace them if necessary.

    3) Lubricate the moving parts: Regularly lubricate the chain, derailleur and other moving parts to keep them running smoothly. Use a high-quality lubricant that is specifically designed for bicycles and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

    4) Inspect the brakes: Check the brakes regularly to ensure that they are working properly. Look for signs of wear or damage and replace the brake pads if necessary.

    5) Check the cables: Inspect the cables for any signs of wear or damage and replace them if necessary. Make sure the cables are properly adjusted so that the brakes and gears work correctly.

    6) Store your velomobile properly: When you’re not using your velomobile, store it in a dry, cool place, where it is protected from the weather elements. This will help prevent rust and other damage.


    By following these steps, you can keep your Bülk velomobile in good condition and ensure that it remains safe and reliable for years to come. If you want more information on how to maintain the Bülk velomobile, we made a dedicated page, check it HERE. If you’re not comfortable performing maintenance tasks yourself, take your velomobile to a qualified bike mechanic for professional service.

    Yes, you can go shopping with a velomobile, which is a type of human-powered vehicle that is designed for use on roads and bike paths. Velomobiles are enclosed bicycles or tricycles that offer protection from the weather and provide a more comfortable and efficient ride than traditional bikes.


    Some velomobiles are designed with cargo space, either behind the seat or in front of the rider, which can be used for carrying groceries and other items. However, the amount of cargo space will vary depending on the model of the velomobile, so it’s important to check the specifications of the particular model you are considering. Check the below video we made about going shopping with a velomobile.


    If the velomobile is equipped with a trailer hitch, and the trailer is designed to be pulled by a bicycle, then it is possible to attach a trailer to a velomobile. However, it’s important to consider the weight of the trailer and its contents, as well as the additional drag that the trailer will create, which could impact the velomobile’s speed and handling.

    Yes, it is possible to ride a velomobile in cold weather, but it may require some additional preparations and considerations to ensure your safety and comfort. Overall because of the weather protection the velomobile gives you, it is still very comfortable to cycle with your velomobile in cold weather in comparison with a normal bicycle.

    Yes, you can ride a velomobile in the rain. Velomobiles are designed to be weather-resistant and provide protection from rain, wind, and other weather elements. They typically feature a waterproof and windproof outer shell that covers the rider, along with waterproof seams and a durable, water-resistant material.


    Do you want to learn more about velomobiles? Take a look at

    Yes, you can ride a velomobile through snow to some extent. Generally speaking, velomobiles are not designed for snow due to the low ground clearance, the velomobile quickly gets stuck in the snow if the snow is more than 10 cm thick. So yes it is possible to drive a velomobile if the roads are mostly clean or if some cars have been driving before you and have flattened the snow. Check some videos on this subject below.

    A velomobile is a type of human-powered vehicle that combines the efficiency of a bicycle with the comfort and protection of a car. Velomobiles are typically designed with an aerodynamic shell that encloses the rider, providing protection from the weather elements and a streamlined shape that allows for efficient cycling at high speeds.


    The main uses of a velomobile include:


    1) Commuting: Velomobiles can be a practical and eco-friendly alternative to cars for commuting to work or running errands. The enclosed cabin provides protection from the weather and the efficient design allows for fast and easy travel in urban environments.

    2) Touring: Velomobiles are also popular among cyclists who enjoy long-distance touring or bikepacking. The enclosed cabin provides a comfortable and weather proof environment for extended rides and the efficient design allows for faster travel over long distances.

    3) Fitness: Velomobiles can also be used for fitness and exercise, as they provide a low-impact workout that engages the legs, core, and cardiovascular system.

    4) Recreation: Finally, velomobiles can simply be a fun and unique way to explore the outdoors and enjoy cycling. The enclosed cabin and aerodynamic design provide a sense of speed and adventure, while the human-powered nature of the vehicle allows for a connection with the environment and a sense of accomplishment.

    Yes, it’s possible to go camping with a velomobile, but it requires some planning and preparation. Here are some things to consider:


    1) Gear and Supplies: Velomobiles have, compared to a bicycle, much storage space, but compared to a car it is limited storage space, so you’ll need to carefully consider what gear and supplies you bring with you. Look for lightweight and compact camping gear, such as a compact tent, lightweight sleeping bag and inflatable sleeping pad. You’ll also need to bring food, water and cooking supplies, so plan accordingly.

    2) Route Planning: Velomobiles are designed for efficient travel on paved roads, so you’ll need to plan your route carefully to avoid rough or unpaved terrain. Look for paved bike paths, quiet country roads, or other routes that are well-suited for cycling.

    3) Charging: If you plan to use electronic devices such as a phone, GPS, or lights, you’ll need to ensure that you have a way to charge them. Consider bringing a portable solar charger or a battery pack to ensure that you have enough power.

    4) Weather: Velomobiles are designed to protect riders from the weather elements, but it’s still important to prepare for changing weather conditions. Bring rain gear, warm clothing, and sunscreen to protect against the sun and wind.

    5) Safety: be sure to follow all traffic laws and safety guidelines. Make sure that your velomobile is equipped with lights and reflectors to ensure visibility on the road.


    With careful planning and preparation, camping with a velomobile can be a fun and unique way to experience the outdoors. See the article below for details.


    Vacation trips with the velomobile >>>

    Yes, it’s possible to commute with a velomobile. A velomobile is a human-powered vehicle that is designed to provide the rider with protection from the weather, greater speed and greater efficiency than a traditional bicycle. Velomobiles typically have a streamlined shape and a hard outer shell that encloses the rider, offering improved aerodynamics and protection from the elements. A velomobile has plenty of space for storing a set of clean clothes and your laptop.

    If you want, it’s possible to participate in brevets with a velomobile. A velomobile is a human-powered vehicle with a streamlined design that offers significant aerodynamic advantages over conventional bicycles. Many velomobiles are designed to be highly efficient and comfortable for long-distance cycling, which makes them well-suited for brevets.


    However, it’s important to note that each brevet organizer may have their own rules and regulations regarding the types of bicycles allowed on their events. It’s always a good idea to check with the event organizers in advance to make sure that your velomobile meets their requirements.

    If you want to become an ambassador of Velomobile World, you can follow these steps:


    1) Contact Us: You can visit our website and use the dedicated contact form to express your interest in becoming an ambassador, which you can find on Alternatively, you can send us an email at [email protected] or [email protected]

    2) Share your experience: Explain your experience with velomobiles, and how you can contribute to promoting and raising awareness of this mode of transportation. This can include any events you have participated in, social media accounts or blogs you maintain, or any other relevant experience.

    3) Commitment: Show your commitment and enthusiasm to promote the benefits of velomobiles to a broader audience. This can include sharing information about velomobiles, participating in events and encouraging others to give velomobiles a try.

    4) Benefits: Ask about the benefits of being a Velomobile World ambassador, which may include discounts on products, early access to new products and opportunities to participate in events and promotions.

    5) Agreement: Once you are accepted as a Velomobile World ambassador, you will likely be asked to sign an agreement outlining your responsibilities, expectations and compensation.


    By becoming a Velomobile World ambassador, you will have the opportunity to help promote a more sustainable and healthy mode of transportation while connecting with a community of like-minded individuals.

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